
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kicking Pepsi to the curb...

I am trying really hard to lose some weight. I have been trying for the last two years but nothing seems to work. It is very frustrating and depressing. My main vices are potato chips and Pepsi. I got onto drinking Pepsi when I was young (around 3 years of age) and my mum gave it to me in a desperate attempt to get me to swallow my mashed potatoes from my dinner (I've always been a fussy eater). Since then, I have had a Pepsi every night with my dinner. Every night for the last 25 or so years.

I have tried exercising at the gym (a little toning but not a kilo lost), exercising at home or walking around the neighbourhood (boring and hard to stick to), cutting back on junk foods (but very hard to ignore cravings), and I have tried to cut out soft drink before. However I've not stuck with it. My aim now is to cut out one bad thing every three weeks to establish a new, better habit, before moving onto the next thing. In the meantime, I will try as best I can to start getting other substitutes happening, but not beat myself up if I don't do right 100% of the time.

 I buy around 6 of these a week and Derek and I go through them all every week.
One of the things that has made me make Pepsi a priority over chips is that I notice when we don't wash up a glass that had Pepsi in it straight away, the next morning the bottom of the glass is coated in a sticky brown residue. It makes me think of how all my intestines and stomach must also be covered in this sticky brown slime!

This time, I am going to quit cold turkey. I really enjoy water so am replacing Pepsi with water (I drink a couple of litres of water a day already), but it is hard to battle the headaches and ignore the constant brain signals telling you to go get a swig of Pepsi!

What have you given up in the name of a healthier you? What were some challenges you faced? How did you power through?


  1. Perhaps try converting to fruit juice first, or carbonated water? It sounds very difficult to just give it up (I had a friend who's a coke addict). Oh and you might want to see a dentist to see what they can do to help you, lets just say soft drinks and the enamel aren't the very best of friends.

    I'm not exactly giving it up, but my goal this year is to have pizza & hot chips only once a month. And I do remind myself that thin-based pizza is still pizza. I find it helps to take another route to work that doesn't require you walking by a strip of fast food joints. It also helps not to google pictures of food. There's a reason it's called foodporn. ;)

    Our office relocated this year, and from the caf window we can see 'Lord of the Fries' and their amazing sauces, and I swear sometimes I can smell their chips, just by seeing them at the window. And no our windows don't open, they're the double layer bullet proof type. I hope I never go there though, to stay on track of my goal.

    1. I can't say I spend much time looking at food porn! A bag of salt and vinegar chips does it for me, though!

      It takes some serious strength and willpower to battle through those cravings and desires in the world of unhealthy food!


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