
Friday, March 29, 2013

Comedy Festival - Dave Hughes...

It has been several years since I have been to see Dave Hughes at the Comedy Festival. I try and go to at least one show every year as a bit of a night out. The last time I saw Dave Hughes would have been back during The Glass House days. I used to go with some friends from school but then we found he was starting to recycle some material year after year and other material was stuff already heard either on TV or the radio.
Dave Hughes - Freezer Bread
The show doesn't really have a theme, and is more him wandering back and forth across the stage telling random jokes about life and incidental things he has come across in his daily travels. He is funny, but even last night there were at least three jokes that Id already either heard on TV or heard on the radio. 

We were going to eat before the show but were running a bit late so instead had frozen yoghurt at Cacao Green, where they have delicious frozen yoghurt. We got addicted to this stuff (Red Mango as it's called everywhere other than Australia) in New York several years ago now so always take the opportunity to have some when we can.
Cacao Green, corner Swanston and Lonsdale Streets, Melbourne
We were thinking about eating dinner after the show but it was a bit late so instead just took the train home. Of course, Melbourne public transport being as dodgy as it is, there is never a dull moment on a train. I feel like the trains in New York and Boston were much safer than here, as even though there was never a dull moment in New York in particular, it was an entertaining not a dull moment. Here they are just odd/scary/offputting/weird not dull moments. Last night, a lady was listening to her headphones, dressed in a Carlton guernsey, and kept yelling out the score at random moments. "TWENTY MINUTES TO GO - NOT GONNA WIN!", "OH NO, HE MISSED IT! FIFTEEN MINUTES TO GO", or this one: "103 TO 84 - 21 POINTS THE MARGIN", to which another random guy crunching on a pizza opposite her replied, "It's 19 points, darling, not 21, do your maths right". The pizza guy kept egging her on, and at one stage he started saying, "Canterbury? Canterbury's winning?" to which she replied, "Canterbury?" and he said "Yeah, Canterbury Sharks, rugby", and she yelled back "YOU'RE IN THE WRONG STATE, MATE!", which got a few laughs from the other passengers, and he mumbled back "I'm just stirring her, I know what's going on." Oh dear. We got some late night KFC on the way home for a very late dinner.

Have you been to a Comedy Festival Show? If you're not from Melbourne, do you wish there was more of a comedy presence in your city/town?

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