Towards the end of last year, I started bringing smoothies to work for morning tea to up my fruit/veg intake as well as fibre. Everyone was getting on board and sharing their smoothie recipes. Now I'm on holidays, I'm still making them as I find them to be a filling and tasty treat for satisfying post-gym hunger.
Usually I just use whatever looks nice or appeals to me on the day I make it, and I seem to make enough that it will last for two days (for morning tea at work). Here is what I made this morning to have after a very hot and crowded BodyPump class:
Tropical Refuel Smoothie
Throw in a good handful of green grapes, a mango cut up, and the pulp from a passionfruit. |
Add your liquids - a splash of mango nectar, OJ (I love Nudie), and half a can of coconut water (about 150-175 ml) - coconut water has been my best find of the latter part of 2013 - it's good for you, low calories, and makes every smoothie taste tropical. I don't like dairy smoothies so this gives some good flavour. You can get the coconut water cans from the Asian food section in your supermarket; they're usually on special for about 2 for $2.50 but they shouldn't regularly cost you more than $1.50 per can. |
I also throw in some Metamucil for a fibre boost and chia seeds as they're some rot of superfood, and I think also high in fibre. |
Add some ice - this gives it some thickness to the smoothie and also keeps it cold. I added 10 cubes here. |
Blend! You need a good blender for this - something with a sturdy glass and solid blades. Mine is a Russell Hobbs blender which came with a food processor as an interchangeable device. It's really good and does a great job for smoothies and milkshakes. My old blender was a cheapo Sunbeam one from Target and was plastic with crappy blades, and smelled like it was burning when you blended anything (even a milkshake with no ice) - so you get what you pay for. |
Voila! Serve and enjoy. |
What do you like to eat post-workout? Will you make yourself a smoothie to keep cool over this awful heatwave we're going to have in Melbourne this week? I have to go in to work this afternoon so will be putting the air con on there and have only half opened all the curtains in my house. I HATE the heat - about 23 is my limit - and I am finding it stupid that I will be going to Hawaii to cool off.