Today I have gone on a spending spree. I have spent way too much money on clothes I want and don't necessarily need. First stop: Jeanswest:
I pick up a nice mint coloured t-shirt and it's $30.
Jeanswest Connie Self Stripe T-Shirt, mint, $29.99 AUD |
I go to the counter and get told there's 2 for $35 so I should get another top for another $5. As usual, when confronted with the two for X dollars I can't find anything else I like. Therefore, I literally get two and get two of the same top, but in different colours:
...or two for $35.00 AUD. |
I also purchase my favourite body wash from The Body Shop, where the sales girl is not too irritating and doesn't try and make ridiculous prying conversation with me as they usually do in The Body Shop and she doesn't ask me to donate my change to some random cause so the trip is quite stress-free:
The Body Shop Shea Shower Cream, 250 ml, $12.95 AUD |
Later today, I go to Lululemon and spend way too much money on workout gear to make me feel good when I go to the gym. At the moment I have a good pair of crop pants for cycle and a good Lululemon tank but all my workout t-shirts are cotton shirts from Gap and get super hot and sweaty. I spend a lot of time deliberating on colours of t-shirts, whether to get crops or tights (I decide on crops because it's getting warmer), and eventually pick out more stuff than I planned on going in there because it's all nice and it feels comfortable and I have nothing bright and happy so go the hot pink, and hopefully this all won't make me feel quite so revolting when I go to the gym:
L-R: Lululemon Wunder Under Crop, black, $99.00 AUD; Race Me short sleeve, raspberry glo, $85.00 AUD; Run Swiftly Racerback, black, $59.00 AUD; Serene short sleeve, white stripe nimbus, $75.00 AUD |
Lululemon is dangerous. The girls in the Brighton store are all super nice and friendly even though they're probably judging me inside their heads for being a fatty coming into their store and squeezing into their comfortable and flattering workout pants. They all have great accents, like one girl who has a cool South African accent (one of my favourite accents ever) and the two girls from Canada chatting to me today like we're old friends catching up (even though I can basically get the same accent right here in my lounge room if I listen to my husband speak as he's American, but for those in the know a Canadian accent is different to an American one). They're helpful and bubbly and seem genuinely happy for you for wanting to work out. They even offer free hemming (even though I have a sewing machine at home) because I'm a shortie and their crops are like awkward 50-something lady 7/8 ankle skimming pants when I put them on. I will (try to) ban myself from this and any further Lululemon stores until we go to Hawaii in January where I will still pay a ridiculous amount for a pair of leggings but where the amount won't be quite so ridiculous as it is in Australia, and where I will hopefully be able to size down because I will be working out like crazy because my cute Lululemon gear will drive me to go to the gym more often - because if I don't I'm spending heaps of money on not only a gym membership not being used, but overpriced workout gear also not being used!
After my temporary loss of self control in Lululemon, I come home and proceed to spend over $140 on Asos. Why? I don't know. The last time I purchased from there (the only time) I returned everything except a pair of tights. Hopefully I have more luck this time.
Other shots from my week:
I'm not much of a sunshine person, but I flicked through Glamour and Allure while I ate my lunch outside before it got overcast and started to rain. |
I worked the election last Saturday. Had a busy but interesting day. A few people asked if I was a volunteer. Um, definitely not! The day was full of all kinds of things and happenings. You certainly meet all sorts working on the election!
PBTeen Island Floral duvet cover and shams, $115.00 AUD and $33.00 each AUD respectively, plus shipping. |
I changed my sheets to this lovely and bright Pottery Barn Teen cover. I also purchased one in pink for my mum. However, PBTeen has sent me everything twice. So now I have two sets of the blue and two sets of the pink. Don't know what to do with them as it would be too expensive to be honest and return them to the US!
Chicken and prawn jambalaya. |
Cooked jambalaya last Sunday night with some cajun spices my Uncle got me from the Northern Territory. It was good, but I prefer my seafood paella.
Maybe I've been shopping so much because a cousin and my sister have both announced they're pregnant this week. I have had to adjust to my sister's announcement because it's pretty close to me and we're not there yet. I feel like literally everyone is having a baby around me and I'm not. It's kind of depressing. I'm thinking of doing a Carrie Bradshaw and having a 'I'm not pregnant!' registry somewhere to cheer me up.
What's been happening in your world?